Continuous, Subject-Specific Attribute Control in T2I Models by Identifying Semantic Directions

25.03.24 · Text-to-Image
In recent years, advances in text-to-image (T2I) diffusion models have substantially elevated the quality of their generated images. However, achieving fine-grained control over attributes remains a challenge due to the limitations of natural language prompts (such as no continuous set of intermediate descriptions existing between ``person'' and ``old person''). Even though many methods were introduced that augment the model or generation process to enable such control, methods that do not require a fixed reference image are limited to either enabling global fine-grained attribute expression control or coarse attribute expression control localized to specific subjects, not both simultaneously. We show that there exist directions in the commonly used token-level CLIP text embeddings that enable fine-grained subject-specific control of high-level attributes in text-to-image models. Based on this observation, we introduce one efficient optimization-free and one robust optimization-based method to identify these directions for specific attributes from contrastive text prompts. We demonstrate that these directions can be used to augment the prompt text input with fine-grained control over attributes of specific subjects in a compositional manner (control over multiple attributes of a single subject) without having to adapt the diffusion model. Project page: Code is available at

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by @dreamingtulpa