PortraitGen: Portrait Video Editing Empowered by Multimodal Generative Priors

23.09.24 · Video Editing
We introduce PortraitGen, a powerful portrait video editing method that achieves consistent and expressive stylization with multimodal prompts. Traditional portrait video editing methods often struggle with 3D and temporal consistency, and typically lack in rendering quality and efficiency. To address these issues, we lift the portrait video frames to a unified dynamic 3D Gaussian field, which ensures structural and temporal coherence across frames. Furthermore, we design a novel Neural Gaussian Texture mechanism that not only enables sophisticated style editing but also achieves rendering speed over 100FPS. Our approach incorporates multimodal inputs through knowledge distilled from large-scale 2D generative models. Our system also incorporates expression similarity guidance and a face-aware portrait editing module, effectively mitigating degradation issues associated with iterative dataset updates. Extensive experiments demonstrate the temporal consistency, editing efficiency, and superior rendering quality of our method. The broad applicability of the proposed approach is demonstrated through various applications, including text-driven editing, image-driven editing, and relighting, highlighting its great potential to advance the field of video editing. Demo videos and released code are provided in our project page: https://ustc3dv.github.io/PortraitGen/

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by @dreamingtulpa