StyleGaussian: Instant 3D Style Transfer with Gaussian Splatting

12.03.24 · Image-to-Texture
We introduce StyleGaussian, a novel 3D style transfer technique that allows instant transfer of any image's style to a 3D scene at 10 frames per second (fps). Leveraging 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS), StyleGaussian achieves style transfer without compromising its real-time rendering ability and multi-view consistency. It achieves instant style transfer with three steps: embedding, transfer, and decoding. Initially, 2D VGG scene features are embedded into reconstructed 3D Gaussians. Next, the embedded features are transformed according to a reference style image. Finally, the transformed features are decoded into the stylized RGB. StyleGaussian has two novel designs. The first is an efficient feature rendering strategy that first renders low-dimensional features and then maps them into high-dimensional features while embedding VGG features. It cuts the memory consumption significantly and enables 3DGS to render the high-dimensional memory-intensive features. The second is a K-nearest-neighbor-based 3D CNN. Working as the decoder for the stylized features, it eliminates the 2D CNN operations that compromise strict multi-view consistency. Extensive experiments show that StyleGaussian achieves instant 3D stylization with superior stylization quality while preserving real-time rendering and strict multi-view consistency. Project page:

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by @dreamingtulpa