AI Art Weekly #27
Hello there my fellow dreamers and welcome to issue #27 of AI Art Weekly! 👋
Things somewhat “slowed down” a bit this week without any major announcements, but we still got a lot of great stuff to cover. So lets keep this short and straight to the point. The highlights of this week are:
- HyperDiffusion can generate 3D and 4D shapes using a unified diffusion model
- Make-It-3D can create high-fidelity 3D content from just a single image
- Interview with artist @PurzBeats
- ModelScope Text-To-Video fine tuning
- Want to become a rock star? SoftVC VITS fork lets you train your own singing voice conversion model
Putting these weekly issues together takes me between 8-12 hours every Friday. If you like what I do, please consider buying me a coffee so I can stay awake 🙏
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