AI Art Weekly #32

Hello there my fellow dreamers and welcome to issue #32 of AI Art Weekly! 👋

It’s funny. Although this week felt extremely slow compared to previous weeks, there is still enough content for me to consider this issue packed. And now that the format of the newsletter has slowly settled a bit, I would love to hear your thoughts on it. Do you miss something? Do you skip specific sections consistently? I would love to hear your feedback as it helps me improve. That aside, here are this weeks highlights:

  • Midjourney v5.1 released and some interesting future insights
  • New StabilityAI DeepFloyd IF model released
  • Bark: An open-source text-to-audio model
  • Interview with artist Đy Mokomi
  • Google employees think open-source AI will outcompete them and OpenAI

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by @dreamingtulpa