AI Art Weekly #4

Welcome to issue #4 of AI Art Weekly. A newsletter by me (dreamingtulpa), to cover some of the latest happenings in the AI Art world.

Each issue will contain three main sections Reflection , Imagination and Creation (checkout one of the earlier issues for the meaning behind those).

Last week I wanted to try out something new and setup a community challenge to create this weeks cover art that gets shared alongside the issue’s announcement on Twitter. 14 AI artists submitted a piece and from those fourteen, @GanWeaving and I chose four finalists to let the community decide on the final winner. And they did. Congratulations to @dancevatar!

Thank you to everyone who contributed. It was a fun experiment and one I certainly want to repeat in the near future, maybe once a month? What do you think about the cover art contest? Should we repeat it? What could we do different next time? Let me know on Twitter.

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by @dreamingtulpa