AI Art Weekly #43
Hello there, my fellow dreamers, and welcome to issue #43 of AI Art Weekly! 👋
Another crazy week is behind us. Meta open-sourced Llama2 and Apple is apparently working on their own LLM called Apple GPT. Yours truly is moving flats tomorrow, so apologies if this issue contains a bit more typos than usual as I’m writing this issue while sitting between chairs. So let’s jump in. This weeks highlights are:
- SHOW-1: An AI system that can generate TV show episodes for existing IPs (fake or real?)
- TokenFlow: A new (almost) flickerless video-to-video edit method
- AnyDoor: Zero-shot object-level image customization
- FABRIC: Personalizing diffusion models with iterative feedback
- NIFTY: Human motion synthesis with objects in mind
- INVE: A new real-time video editing solution
- Brain2Music 🎶🧠🎵
- Interview with AI artist St Laurent Jr
- AI Johnny Cash singing ‘Barbie Girl’
- and more
Twitter recently shut down free API access which puts our weekly cover challenges at risk. By becoming a supporter, you can help me make AI Art Weekly and its community efforts more sustainable by supporting its development & growth! 31/100% reached so far 🙏
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