AI Art Weekly #80
Hello there, my fellow dreamers, and welcome to issue #80 of AI Art Weekly! 👋
Another wild week in AI is behind us. A few creepy robots, some AI wearables, Meta releasing Llama 3 and 120+ papers later I bring you the latest and greatest from the generative computer vision front!
In this issue:
- 3D: MeshLRM, Video2Game, LoopGaussian, StyleCity, RefFusion, InFusion, REACTO, DG-Mesh
- Motion: in2IN, TeSMo
- Video: Generative AI in Adobe Premiere Pro, VideoGigaGAN, VASA-1, Ctrl-Adapter, FlowSAM
- Image: Stable Diffusion 3 API, Magic Clothing, MoA, StyleBooth, MOWA, IntrinsicAnything, CustomDiffusion360, AniClipart
- and more!
Want me to keep up with AI for you? Well, that requires a lot of coffee. If you like what I do, please consider buying me a cup so I can stay awake and keep doing what I do 🙏
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