AI Art Weekly #81
Hello there, my fellow dreamers, and welcome to issue #81 of AI Art Weekly! 👋
Progress is unavoidable, so we march into a world where robots assert dominance while delivering packages and learn how to execute our daily chores. All the while, the veil of what is real becomes blurrier by the day. Still, we march on.
I’m personally taking a break from marching on. I’ll be back in two weeks with the next issue. Until then, enjoy this packed one!
In this issue:
- 3D: PhysDreamer, GScream, NeRF-XL, Interactive3D, Make-it-Real, TELA, TokenHMR
- Image: Midjourney, Hyper-SD, ConsistentID, PuLID, MultiBooth, ID-Aligner, CharacterFactory, TF-GPH, Editable Image Elements, IDM-VTON
- Video: MaGGIe, MotionMaster, SVA
- and more!
Want me to keep up with AI for you? Well, that requires a lot of coffee. If you like what I do, please consider buying me a cup so I can stay awake and keep doing what I do 🙏
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